The society of petroleum engineering is the largest individual-member organisation serving managers, engineers, scientists, and other professionals worldwide in the upstream segment of oil and gas industry. It was founded in the year 1957, on October 6 as a type of professional organization. Its membership is over 156,000 located in 154 countries with 203 sections and 383 student chapters with 72,000 students members.

The SPE manages key industry resources including OnePetro and PetroWiki, in addition to publishing magazines, books and peer-reviewed journals. They host more than 100 conferences, workshops and other events each year around the world such as energy4me where a student chapter go and portray more about petroleum engineering.

SPE has student chapters around the world that provide an operating framework for society activities at university level. Each student chapter is sponsored by a local, professional section and has the support of their university department.


To collect, disseminate and exchange technical knowledge concerning the exploration, development and production of oil and gas resources and related technologies for the public benefit and to provide opportunities for professionals to enhance their technical and professional competence.


To advance the oil and gas community’s ability to meet the world’s energy demands in a safe, environmentally responsible and sustainable manner.